Are you considering leaving Git?
Life can be easier without LFS and pushing/pulling. There is life beyond Git and GitHub
Git was not made for game development
If you are here, chances are your team is struggling with Git. Let's see if the following sounds familiar.
Git is hard to understand
Why commit and then push? Why not just commit? And the index? Which GUI should you use of the dozen available? Why the complicated commands to do simple things?
Git struggles with big files
Git was not designed to handle the type of big files that you need to develop games. That's why you need to setup workarounds like LFS. And yes, LFS is painful to use. And slow.
There are more reasons, but these two alone can make you waste precious time. Ever heard of teams dropping Git entirely and moving to Dropbox or any sort of shared folder? These two problems are the key reasons why.

Why is Diversion better?
Diversion has been designed with game developers in mind.
Here is how:
Diversion is simple to use
Artists and modern developers feel at home because Diversion is very similar to the tools they love. It just does the work, as transparently as possible. No need for a gigantic list of options or antiquated designs.
Diversiongigantic files
Designed to deal with large files from day one. No need to do extra setup. Just upload your files to version control, no matter how big they are. One problem less in your list.
Never lose a change
Diversion uses cloud workspaces that are automatically synced so you simply can't lose changes. Think of it as a Dropbox folder on steroids. You also get new files automatically from your team. No hands!
But... everybody is on GitHub, right?
Not really. Most large game studios don't use GitHub at all. They need solutions that can handle large files well, deal with locking, and make artists productive. So, moving away from the Git ecosystem is pretty natural, you are not crazy for considering that path.
You are definitely not alone.
Well, ok, but how painful is to switch from my Git thing to Diversion?
We got you covered. First, we offer you outstanding support and access to the dev team that created the product. Look around.
NOBODY offers you that.
Option 1 - Fresh start
Break up with the past! Just commit your entire working copy to Diversion and start from there. You want to keep the entire history? Ok, we have a way to sync with Git, so you just can get the entire repo migrated over to Diversion quickly. This will get you started on minutes, and then you can figure out if Diversion is for you.
Option 2 - Export from Git
You want to keep the entire history? Ok, we have a way to sync with Git, so you just can get the entire repo migrated over to Diversion quickly.
If you need help importing your existing GitHub repository, contact us. We can then help you get onboarded with Diversion in no time!